

Claim Requests

This API call returns the claim requests submitted from your Synced account. If there has been a transaction that hasn't been recorded in the network, you can file a claim request by providing some essential details like network, merchant, program, order id, order date, order value and then submit the claim request directly from your Synced account to the network. This feature is available for the networks that support this functionality.

API Function: get_claim_requests

API EndPoint



Name Type Description
username string Your API username. You should have received this with your account
subscription_id string Your Subscription ID. You can copy or regenerate it from your API management interface.
offset numeric Enter the start point from where the API should return the rows


Response fields:

Name Type Description
request_id numeric The unique ID associated with the claim request
merchant_id numeric The unique ID of the merchant associated with the claim request
merchant_name string The name of the merchant associated with the claim request
program_id numeric The id of the program associated with the claim request
program_name string The name of the program associated with the claim request
network_id numeric The id of the network associated with the claim request
network_name string The name of the network associated with the claim request
order_id string The order_id associated with the claim request
order_date string The date of the order associated with the claim request
order_value numeric The value of the order associated with the claim request
claim_status string The status of the claim request


$api_username      = '*******';
$api_subscription  = '*******';
$offset            = 0;
$have_claims     = TRUE;


        $client     = new SoapClient('https://synced.io/api/v2?wsdl');

    while ($have_claims)
        $soapstruct = array("offset" => $offset);
        $response   = $client->get_claim_requests($api_username, $api_subscription, $soapstruct);

        if (!isset($response->claim) || empty($response->claim))
            $have_claims = FALSE;
            die('No claim requests');

        $offset += 20;                

} catch (Exception $e)

    echo $client->__getLastRequest() . "\n";
