If you would like to query a specific merchant and its associated programs and cashback offers you can use the following to search or browse through all available merchants in our catalog. Thus, you can search for a specific merchant that will have a name, an unique ID, a logo, a general description, a URL and one or more programs associated with it. The programs that can be found under a merchant have an ID, an affiliate link and a network from which it comes through in our platform. For each program there are one or more cashback offers that have the following characteristics: ID, title, value and currency.
API Function: get_merchant
Name | Type | Description |
username | string | Your API username. You should have received this with your account |
subscription_id | string | Your Subscription ID. You can copy or regenerate it from your API management interface. |
merchant_id | numeric | Enter a merchant's ID to display |
country_id | numeric | The ID of the country to return descriptions for. This field must be always equal or greater than 1 |
Response fields:
Name | Type | Description |
merchant_id | numeric | The unique ID associated with the merchant |
merchant_name | string | The merchant's name |
merchant_logo | string | The merchant logo url |
max_commissions | scalar | An array with max comissions for every category |
merchant_description | string | The merchant's description |
merchant_url | string | A link pointing to the merchant's website |
programs | list | a list of programs associated with this merchant. Each program containing the fields bellow. |
Name | Type | Description |
program_id | string | The unique ID associated with this program |
network_id | numeric | The affiliate network to which the program belongs to |
network_program_id | numeric | The program id from the affiliate network |
program_name | string | The program's name |
program_affiliate_link | string | The program's affiliate link |
program_status | string | The status of the program {joined, pending, not applied, rejected} |
cashback_offers | list | a list of cashback offers available for this merchant. Each cashback contains the fields below |
Name | Type | Description |
offer_id | string | The unique ID associated with this cashback offer |
title | string | The cashback offer title |
currency | string | The cashback offer currency |
value | string | The cashback value |
url | string | Affiliate link for the program associated with the cashback offer |
category_id | string | The unique ID of category associated with this offer |
region_currency | string | The currency code for the region requested |
region_value | string | The cashback value translated to the region requested |
<?php $api_username = '*******'; $api_subscription = '*******'; $api_network_id = 0; // replace with your network id $api_country_id = 221; // replace with your country id try { $client = new SoapClient('https://synced.io/api/v2?wsdl'); $merchant = $client->get_merchant($api_username, $api_subscription, $api_merchant_id, $api_country_id); } catch(Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } if(!empty($merchant)) { print_r($merchant); } ?>